Great movie.
Maybe not "awesome," but great. (For my money, better than Unbroken and more on par with Captain Phillips, the final ten minutes of which are as real and raw as one could ever hope for in any film starring an actor so prolific and omnipresent and everyman that we come to think of him first as "Tom Hanks" and last as "an actor," the shackles of his success and celebrity being so heavy that I am awestruck whenever he breaks free from them and succeeds at inhabiting another person onscreen.)
Like a lot of Spielberg's recent work, Bridge of Spies has an ever so there veneer of being...Spielbergian. And so, you love the movie, but never completely forget you are watching a movie. 85% engrossing, not 100% like, say, Sicario, which is a teleportation device to altered states within another dimension.
I had no idea Bridge of Spies was co-written by the Coen brothers. Interesting.
And Mark Rylance is, as always, amazing. He seems the embodiment of a terry cloth robe after a warm bath: entirely unpretentious, yet serving this particular purpose better than anything imaginable and in the most reassuring way.
It's a great film, yes, and you'll enjoy the heck out of it. Really satisfying.
No "Oscar talk" here, I would think, but yes, solid, plodding, and earnest, exactly like the main protagonists.
With the exception of two f-bombs, which are well-placed and not gratuitous at all, it seems otherwise not only appropriate for kiddos, but necessary. A nice family film, one in which we see people standing by their convictions, on the side of right, despite any personal tolls.
We spoke of it for an hour afterward in the car, and it's all the more inspiring because it is true.
"Good on ya," as they say.